These are church pews. would you like to sit on one of these for 1-2 hours on Sunday morning? The Women's Group at the Carissade Church of Christ would like some new benches. We are now gathering a list of materials needed and the price to make 20 benches, 10 on each side of the aisle. I have looked at prices of some nice all-ready made benches and they run anywhere from $80 to $120 each (made and purchased in Haiti). We offered to buy the materials if the men in the church can make the benches. Would you consider a donation to help pay for the benches? Once we start a school, these benches will also be used by the school children for class. Please help us by donating via Paypal or by sending a check to: Caring Hearts for Central Haiti, Inc, P.O. Box 5348, Cortland, NY 13045