Every Saturday, Pastor Casseus travels 3 hours north, usually in a Tap-Tap, (see below) filled with about 15+ people on a very curvy, mountainside road. As he rides in the back of the Tap-Tap, he is never really sure the road will be open for him to pass through and continue his journey to Hinche, near Carisside located in the Central part of Haiti. (As I am writing this, [July 6th, 2019] he has had to turn back because of anti-government protests with road blocks. Trying to cross one of these road blocks is very dangerous and could cost you your life). If he makes it through to Hinche, he is able to spend the night either at a friend’s house or stay overnight at his mother and father’s house. Early Sunday morning, he awakens and gets ready for church at the Church of Christ in Carissade. He is the newly-ordained pastor there. He either hires someone with a motorcycle or finds a friend with a motorcycle who will take him to the church. On paved roads, the trip from Hinche to Carissade would be about 5 minutes, but on these roads, it is very, very slow because of pot holes and thousands of rocks on and embedded in, the road. Along the way, he also has to cross a river. I have ridden in a vehicle over this same road 6 days ago, (from the writing of this piece). The condition of the road is terrible. The water level of the river was low, so we were able to cross the river without a problem, (in an all-terrain vehicle) but can you imagine crossing on a motorcycle? The water level doesn’t matter with a motorcycle, you’re going to get wet…that’s all there is to it…you’re going to get wet. After church, Pastor Casseus, once again, has to ride a motorcycle into Hinche and find a Tap-Tap that is going to Port-au-Prince, where he presently lives. Another 3-hour drive in good traffic, but it can be as along as 4-5 hours. He arrives in Port-au-Prince totally exhausted. Another week goes by and he repeats the process all over again. But…… ….he will continue to do it. He loves the Lord, he loves the people of Carissade, he wants to preach the Word of God and see lives changed. He will do this same trip…every week….again and again. If Caring Hearts for Central Haiti, Inc. can rent a small office space in Hinche, Pastor Casseus can move to Hinche and be closer to the church in which he serves as Pastor. Doing this would eliminate the 6-8 hour, round trip, Tap-Tap ride to and from Port-au-Prince every weekend. The next larger request, is an all-terrain vehicle, like a Land Rover, ($35,000-$40,000 new), which would allow him to navigate the road to Carissade easier, but also would provide a safer vehicle for him to use for necessary travel for the organization and/or for transporting supplies and other personnel when necessary. Caring Hearts for Central Haiti, Inc is a fledgling organization, and we have many needs, but our vision for the people of Carissade is great and we serve a great God who will supply all of our needs as He sees fit. Purchasing office space and a reliable all-terrain vehicle is just the start of something big we believe God is doing in the Central Plateau of Haiti….won’t you join us and be a part of what God is doing?