Broken Well

Water Sources At Carissade

Joanne Tanner, 7/18/2019

The images here provide visual guidance to the water sources at carrisade

  • The white arrow points to Carissade, Haiti, the community in which Caring Hearts for Central Haiti, Inc is partnering with the Church of Christ, Carissade to address needs in the community.
  • The green circle is ONE good water source with clean water.
  • The black dots are individual homes.
  • All of the red and pink circles are water sources which are contaminated with E. Coli bacteria.
  • The yellow circle with the white heart around it is the ONE GOOD water source near Carissade BUT the well is broken...(which is the 2nd picture).

We are working with Haiti Outreach to test the well water and see if it is still good, clean, drinkable water. If it is good water, then we can repair that well.....but, we needs funds to do that. Please consider a donation so the community of Carissade does not have to continue getting their water from a polluted river....(3rd Picture)

*Above information and pictures used with permission from Haiti Outreach.