
My Visit to the Church of Christ, Carissade, Haiti

Joanne Tanner, 6/30/2019

With arms full of gifts of fruit, and slowly walking up the aisle, the women’s group of the church sang, “Welcome, welcome pastors, Joanne and other visitors, we have a small gift for you.” The people of the church welcomed us so nicely. The children, youth, men’s and the ladies groups all sang a song for us. Pastor Casseus delivered a powerful sermon based on Ephesians 5:16 “Redeeming the time because the days are evil.” Twenty-three (23) people, young and old, accepted Christ and were baptized that day. Such a vibrant congregation!

At the end of the service, the entire congregation stood, faced us, and each individual prayed out loud, their own prayer, as they held their hands out towards our group. What powerful praying! With tears in my eyes, I felt so blessed. I had the feeling that I would LOVE to attend that church every Sunday!

After church, a very delicious meal of rice and beans, chicken and salad had been made for us. These wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ, truly know how to worship. They gave out of their hearts desire to celebrate our visit and to glorify God….and can they EVER SING! It was a beautiful day worshiping with the congregation at the Church of Christ in Carissade, Haiti.