2019 Financial Report

Joanne Tanner, 6/16/2019

We were incorporated in May 2019, and received IRS 501(c)3 status as a non-profit organization. We started off very small, but about the time I was seeing pictures of the children at Fort-Resolut (Fowozoli), Haiti with orangish-colored hair (a sign of malnutrition), we had made the decision to start a school lunch program even if I had to pay for it myself. We prayed and within a few days of that prayer, I received a phone call from a man and wife who gave a sizeable donation in memory of their son Steven. Our lunch program started on Thanksgiving Day! We are still small and growing and would love a church or larger organization with whom we could partner for regular monthly donations....but...God knows what we need and when, so we have faith He will provide when we need it as He did with the school lunch program. You will notice we had very few administrative expenses. Although probably not sustainable in the long-term, but right now the President of Caring Hearts for Central Haiti, Inc pays all administrative expenses. As we grow, (Lord willing), those expenses will become greater, but for right now, it's manageable.

2019 Financial Report


In Memoriam: 10,000.00
Donations: 6488.50
Interest: .17
Total 16488.67


Paypal Charges: 22.47
Uniforms: 660.00
Bibles: 1050.00
Lunch Set up: 800.00
School Lunches: 906.00
Chickens for Christmas: 600.00
Total Expenses: 4038.47

Cash Balance @ 12/31/2019 $12450.20