Can You Give Until It Hurts (just a little bit)?

Joanne Tanner, 11/11/2020

Giving Tuesday...a day when we look outside of ourselves and pay a little attention to those in need, no matter what organization you support. Look in your community, your church, Main St.,family, friends, co-workers, whomever needs a little help. Here at Caring Hearts for Central Haiti, Inc., our focus is a little place in Central Haiti called Fort-Resolut,(Fowozoli in Creole)
We support 50 children so they can go to school and receive one nutritious meal per school day. Food prices in Haiti have sky-rocketed and we are having to send close to $1600 per month to feed these children, where 3 months ago, it was $920. Your tax-deductible gift will go towards the support of these 50 children. No administrative costs are taken out of any donations. You can also click on the DONATE button on this website. Thanks so much and God Bless you!