We Have a Library!

Joanne Tanner

Published: June 22, 2020


It’s SO important for children to learn to read in all parts of the world. We were able to purchase about 18 books in Haitian Creole and start a lending library. I bought the sleeves and cards that go inside the books and Pastor Casseus and I spent a little time inserting them and preparing them for lending out. After I left Haiti, he said the children were really enjoying the books and the Lending Library.

If you have an interest in providing books in Haitian Creole for the Lending Library, you can go to our Amazon Wishlist and purchase 1 or 2 (or 20), send to the address given there and I will take them with me when I go again…after things open up.

Because of Covid-19, Haiti is pretty much closed for business, but we keep praying that things will open up soon. Also, remember, if you sign up for Amazon Smile, and choose Caring hearts for Central Haiti as you charity of choice, Amazon will donate 0.5% of every purchase to us. Thanks so much!

Still Here!

We had to completely makeover our website, which has been quite a learning curve (for those who are technologically...

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We are three senior citizen women and one Haitian Pastor who want to come alongside our brothers and sisters in Fowozoli, Haiti to address physical, educational, health, and spiritual needs of the community in order to show the love of Christ to that community through a variety of projects.

Help us fill more needs for our Haitian brothers and sisters by partnering with us financially. Every dollar that you donate goes directly to the Haitian community that we serve.