Fowozoli Medical Clinic

Joanne Tanner

Published: February 15, 2020


February 2020, found Judy, secretary of Caring Hearts for Central Haiti, and Joanne, CEO, in Haiti working in the annual medical clinic for Hope for Haiti’s Children (like we have done for the past 9 and 8 years, respectively). Pictured are Judy, Joanne, Pastor Casseus who all met when the school children from Hinche came for their annual check-up. At the end of the week, Judy returned to the U.S. and I (Joanne) traveled to Hinche with Pastor Casseus to visit the congregation at the Fowozoli Church of Christ.

On Monday, we held a “mini” medical clinic which included height, weight, scoliosis check, vision test and dental screening. I also listened to heart and lungs to check for any heart murmurs that may need further attention. The kids did great! We identified 17 children who needed further vision examination. Pastor Casseus was able to make appointment for them at the local optometrist and 5 were further identified to need glasses. We were able to provide funds for those glasses.

Still Here!

We had to completely makeover our website, which has been quite a learning curve (for those who are technologically...

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We are three senior citizen women and one Haitian Pastor who want to come alongside our brothers and sisters in Fowozoli, Haiti to address physical, educational, health, and spiritual needs of the community in order to show the love of Christ to that community through a variety of projects.

Help us fill more needs for our Haitian brothers and sisters by partnering with us financially. Every dollar that you donate goes directly to the Haitian community that we serve.